Meeting 2025-03-04
Team calendar
- Next on Necko triage: Ed
New contributors / Friends of Necko – Thank you!
Round Table
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Active Projects roadmap Fx136 rel Mar 04, Fx137 code freeze Feb 27
Private Network Access Firefox Access Neutralization (FAN)
[sunil] Re-scoped project Proposal
[sunil] Implementing detection mechanism in Necko
Firefox Essential Internal Services Toughening[FEISTY] (in progress, TBD)
- No progress this week.
DoH Enablement - Fenix and Focus (in progress, H2-2025)
[sekim] Reached out to the QA team, the UI is currently being verified. Enabled secret setting on Nightly as well (previously it was only available on Debug).
(valentin) I’m working on migrating the heuristics to Android.
3rd Party Cookie Deprecation (in progress, target TBD)
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Firefox/Chrome benchmark test suite (in progress, EO March)
The upload goodput drops when the connection is established using 0-RTT.
- Reproduced reliably on my local desktop. Still debugging the root cause.
necko-glean: (sekim) Landing glean patches using #ifndef ANDROID blocks tracking such blocks using Bug 1901798
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Fast UDP I/O in Firefox (in progress, target Fx137)
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QUIC stream receive window auto-tuning
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QUIC Acknowledgement Frequency draft 10
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Implement WebTransport based on HTTP/2
Milestone 1: Implementation of Capsule protocol is almost complete. Patches in review.
Milestone 2: Working on Http2WebTransportStream
(valentin) Landed 1948876 - Fix NEL implementation and WPT tests
Looking into using reporting API and ClearDataService
DNS Cache Expiry:
Experiment on increasing dns cache size ended, see result writeup here. TLDR:
Could see the amount of cache evictions dropping by ~50%
No visible effect on cache hit rate though, probably because there aren’t enough cache evictions happening in general for the halving to have an effect on hit rate statistics
We are still increasing the pref because there aren’t any downsides to it
Follow up experiment for increasing the grace period is planned after bug was fixed
Experiment Brief - DNS caching experiment followup (grace period)
Do we need telemetry to catch a case where the background renewal returns a different result than what was cached, i.e. leading to possible breakage?
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Support compression dictionary transport
Initial cut done; able to receive dictionaries and offer them back, and then decompress dcb/dcz-encoded files correctly. (passes wpts for this)
Doesn’t yet actually save dictionaries to disk, or load dictionary data from disk (it’s all in the in-memory cache for now).
Data in the cache for dictionaries is currently uncompressed (takes more space, may lower hitrate)
Filed 2 issues against the spec
Filed one issue against the WPT tests (they encoded and test for a bug in chrome’s impl)
[Ed] URLPattern integration
Still writing the gecko C++ wrapper
May be additional work when we get to supporting webidl needs: BringYourOwnRegex will mean working with the SpiderMonkey regex API, which is not so “ergonomic”
Performance work: