Meeting 2025-02-04
Team calendar
- Next on Necko triage: Sunil
New contributors / Friends of Necko THANK YOU!!
Round Table
Blog posts published to
Manuel landed patch to enable, I don't see them published
Do we need to improve our post format?
Necko Newsletter - Yes
Seed a draft to fill out - Valentin Gosu - thank you
- Publish after EOY Retrospective
[acreskey] FYI, rel-ops ticket on ipV6 on hardware devices
Active Projects roadmap Fx135 rel Feb 04, Fx137 code freeze Feb 27
- (sunil) Started with implementing PNA detection in Necko
Firefox Essential Internal Services Toughening[FEISTY] (in progress, TBD)
- (valentin) SRE is working on making the endpoints IPv6 compatible and setting up the backup domains.
DoH Enablement - Fenix and Focus (in progress, TBD)
- (sekim) DoH Android UI & integration patches are being reviewed by Android reviewers
3rd Party Cookie Deprecation (in progress, target Fx136)
Tentative 3PCD/CHIPS rollout, pushed back due to backouts:
136: re-enable chips, ride the trains to release - CHIPS breakage
136+:(pending experiment): 3PCD in all windows in release - 3pcd breakage
136+:(pending all-windows): “Migration”/deletion of TCP cookies (non-chips partitioned)
Firefox/Chrome benchmark test suite (in progress, TBD)
(omansfeld) checking usage of the traffic shaping command (tc) with docs/comparing to other implementations and working on a patch with a slightly different approach to see if that improves standard deviation in test results
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necko-glean: (sekim) Landing glean patches using #ifndef ANDROID blocks tracking such blocks using Bug 1901798
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Fast UDP I/O in Firefox (in progress, target Fx136)
Blocked on Neqo v0.12 update
Need to propagate Rust IO errors.
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QUIC stream receive window auto-tuning
Implementation ready for review
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QUIC Acknowledgement Frequency draft 10
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Implement WebTransport based on HTTP/2
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DNS Cache Expiry
1937022 - Experiment with a larger DNS grace time and a larger DNS cache size
(omansfeld) just had intro call with valentin, looking to start experiment by end of week/beginning of next week
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Performance work:
[acreskey] Focusing on DoH issues in Canada
[acreskey] FYI, updated our prioritization scheduling documents after discussion with Robin Marx:
- Expecting to be roasted, along with other browsers, at his FOSDEM talk