Meeting 2019-01-31
- This week: Junior/Selena
Round table items:
- gtest/bogo
- current test environment needs a re-look - mayhemer is going to make a gdoc for everyone to contribute their thoughts on what needs to be manually tested
- NSPR logging layer? dump the logs at log level 6 to get the payload and use for unit tests
- Triage proposal:
- Will need to move P3 -> P4, P2->P3; come up with a decision matrix for next meeting where we will go through the bug backlog a bit
not very productive this week for various issues
- BT goes on (proving concept of runnable groups using my local work, some more discussion with Luke Wagner)
- SPI PSM work (giving to dd)
- Bug 1512598 - Provide baseline for starting PSM in an "isolated" mode on the Socket Process
- Bug 1512471 - Proxy certificate validation from Socket Process/Socket Thread to Parent Process
- Bug 1493599 - Expose blocked resource reason on nsILoadInfo
- reviews
- 1520153 FailDelayManager treats different websocket endpoints as one
- 1455723 Firefox59 does not properly honor cache size set in autoconfig files [landed]
- 1519126 Assertion failure: !chunk->IsReady(), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/netwerk/cache2/CacheFile.cpp:2251
- 1506534 Collect telemetry to measure how much penalty we will experience with first-party cache isolation
- 1499825 intermittent server not found
Bug 1523253 - Cant connect to website investigating
Bug 1505834 - Crash in mozilla::net::nsHttpConnection::OnInputStreamReady investigating
Bug 1500710 - JAR protocol handler doesn't set WASM mimetype, breaks WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming
Bug 1497237 - [socket-proc] Serialize response trailers ready to land
Bug 1521817 - [socket-propcess] serialize the whole proxy info to socket process ready to land
Bug 1510691 - [socket process] Send data directly from the socket process to a content process (landed)
Bug 1521808 - [fission][renable SharedArrayBuffer] Implement Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
(implemented algorithm, wrote some xpcshell-tests, currently implementing process-switching code)
Bug 1523427 - Web socket over h2cause us to loop CONNECT request to a proxy
Bug 1521639, 1520483
Fix larch build break
Bug 1497245 - [socket-proc] Enable ContentSniffer for socket process
(WIP - Will fix another larch linux build break)