Nov 15 2018
P1 - Bug 1506965 - Data race between HttpChannelChild's NeedToReportBytesRead() and Release()
1482084 (buffer of)
Bug 1457768 - miss redirect request after 302 with range header
1358038 Add "Race Cache With Network" status to netmonitor
1507467 Make sure mAfterOnStartRequestBegun is true for channels loaded with LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED
1500533 Ensure that TLS session tickets are only consumed if storage checks on the channel pass
1455723 Firefox59 does not properly honor cache size set in autoconfig files
1506534 Collect telemetry to measure how much penalty we will experience with first-party cache isolation
- r+
Bug 1407384 Make notifications respect channel.suspend
- r?
Bug 1494585 Create IPC between ContentProcess and SocketProcess
- r+
Bug 1387355 EventSource: ignore IDs with U+0000
- r?
Bug 1478280 samesite=strict prevents reading the cookie after a xhr request
- Working
Bug 1492843 TCP connection reset by F5
- This is actually a media bug
Bug 1503736 - Origin header honors network.http.referer.hideOnionSource
Bug 1504085 - HTTPS to HTTP loads should get an Origin header with "null"
After discussion, we will make Origin: to honor RefererPolicy
Can reproduce. Investigate.