Thurs July 20th, 2017
- Triage duty: SC
- new untriaged bugs: https://tinyurl.com/zhk9yjf
- NECKO-ACTIVE bugs: https://tinyurl.com/j8pj35u
- NECKO NEXT bugs: https://tinyurl.com/zjwjfee
- NECKO-BACKLOG bugs: https://tinyurl.com/hpkcxx3
Round Table:
- Proposal: once at month (whichever triage cycle includes the 1st of the month), we have two triagers: one regular, and one person goes over the necko-backlog|next|active lists
- look at active just to make sure they're all assigned
- strange rendering problems?
---PROJECT UPDATES--- - rust-url meeting notes: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mozloha-rust-url - rcwn https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mozaloha-rcwn
- NTLM Hell
- 1382831 Race condition in nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryCheck when racing cache with network
- 1369051 Assertion failure: !entry || !entry->IsFresh()
- 1378327 Crash in mozilla::net::CacheFileChunk::Truncate
- 1382688 Do not allow to enable old disk cache backend
last week: mpendingq, 256fd telemetry, 0.9 telemetry, namespaces, neat tls, alt-svc, immutable bug, some non-necko stuff this week: neat tls, alt-svc, immutable bug, some non-necko stuff. more reviews.
- 3 days QUIC interim in Paris last week (attended from remote)
- "HTTP Workshop" in London
- queued up some reviews to deal with
- 1360164 - The first async XHR done during startup blocks the main thread while initializing nsProtocolProxyService
- 1364250 - Move JAR channel I/O off of main thread
- 1366222 - Basic authentication 401 message flood
1378115 - make about:networking remember the current section [landed]
1376503 - add hard limit for cache slowness [landed]
945240 - change nsStandardURL internal representation to punycode [landed]
1380617 - make nsStandardURL return punycode by default. Fix UI [partially done]
1350533 - crash when uploading large files to cloud.mail.ru [investigating]
1381816 - RCWN pref study #2 [next week]
RCWN - telemetry should be available in the next few days, so we can see if it made any improvement
Looked into 1367810 - Crash in mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel::CallOnStartRequest
CDP Testing
- Tracking Protection
- fixed a WPT's bug
- Background download
- permission denied when it tries to save file
- Multiple tabs
- on going
Bug 1373198 - Disable RCWN for tests which require deterministic cache behavior
- Part 1 - Part 13: r+ Follow-ups
no mListener in nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest (comment 87, 90, 91)
webRequest failure (comment 88 and Bug 1384803)
Bug 1384493 - dom/base/test/test_link_stylesheet.html fails when we enable rcwn
Bug 1384478 - "Save Video As" not working when we enable rcwn
Bug 1384506 - dom/base/test/test_urgent_start.html fails when we enable rcwn
Bug 1384510 - toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_backgroundupdate.js fails when we enable rcwn
Prepare slides in mozilla developer conference in Taipei "HTTP2 is coming QUICkly"
Bug 1331680 - Consider not doing sync IPC for document.cookie getter/setter
implementations - r+
test cases- r+
try server - pass Cookie bugs
Started to clarify and reproduce some cookie bugs
Bug 1366578 - cookies are not transmitted when handling custom protocol
Bug 1364466 - Cookie lost with custom container
Bug 1338309 - Gmail complains that cookies are disabled in e10s windows
Bug 1366822 - The active tab notification doesn't work when switching among windows
- r+
Bug 1382274
CDP Test
- Identify hero element and trackers
- Writing scripts to analyze data
- https://goo.gl/yZoZpX
telemetry analysis
HTML5 parser, image decoder, fetch is fully OMT now
JS/CSS/font/XHR are the next thing to OMT
performance analysis
after M3 landed, 500px/ebay shows 8%~10% improvement on speedIndex
manually revert PBg-Http works (disable retargeting in HttpChannelChild/using main thread IPC)
talos shows performance regression after PBg-Http is enabled
quantum_pageload shows major regression on amazon/google/youtube when PBg is on, especially amazon (40%)
gecko profile captured and doing analysis with Taipei performance team now.
planning about implementing a kill switch in case we need to disable it on 57.
sessionrestore_many_windows also shows 5-8% regression h
responsiveness/animation/scroll tests show minor improvement (around 1-2%)
fix regressions
- Bug 1382380, Bug 1369571, Bug 1384294, Bug 1382380 [CDP]
Bug 1382567 - boost load priority of preloaded image for
without height/width attribute
provide WIP for previous the impact of this algorithm